
At the end of October 2023, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics announced 423,000 construction job openings, a rise of 25,000 over the same period last year. At the same time, civil construction projects are booming thanks to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act which earmarked $110 billion for road and bridge repair. As these infrastructure initiatives continue to roll out, securing specialized talent to work on these projects will continue to be challenging.
The talent shortage extends beyond construction laborers to include heavy lifting and transport equipment operators, technical support specialists and engineers. Earlier this year, the American Council of Engineering Companies sent a letter to President Biden urging action on the engineering shortage in America. While the shortage of engineers is currently painful, the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that it will only worsen as “employment of civil engineers is projected to grow five percent by 2033, faster than the average for all occupations.”
At the same time, unemployment rates are at historic lows. The result is that in 2024 and beyond, many contractors will be challenged to fill their needs for heavy lifting and transport operators, engineers and other technical talent.
Filling the Technical Talent Gap
Hiring highly skilled equipment operators, project managers and engineers can be costly and time consuming. A convenient and affordable alternative is to outsource these critical skills sets to a trusted source.
“Since launching Engineered Rigging in 2017, we have seen an increase in the number of companies who require more than a source for heavy lifting and transport equipment. Some need engineers to develop a lift plan. Others require equipment operators and onsite technical support. Engineered Rigging is in a unique position to fulfill those needs with our in-house team of highly trained and experienced professionals,” explained Christopher Cox, PE, Founder & President of Engineered Rigging.
This just-in-time scheduling of an experienced team helps eliminate onsite work stoppages and reduces crew down time. The result is lower project costs, fewer change orders and shortened work schedules.
Outsourced Talent Delivers Experience When It Matters Most
The value of having a seasoned pool of engineering and technical talent was illustrated during the demolition of the Wittpenn Bridge in New Jersey (pictured above). After Engineered Rigging’s engineers developed two rigorous engineering plans—one to lower the counterweights on the east and west ends of the bridge and another to lower the main span—the onsite technical team encountered some surprises.
The 90-year-old bridge was more corroded than expected and workers uncovered a previously unknown bridge repair that was the result of an apparent collision with river traffic. Having Engineered Rigging’s experienced personnel onsite allowed the contractor to navigate these challenges, expedite plan adaptations and safely lower the bridge components.
Seek Strategic Partnerships for Success
In the current labor market landscape, forming strategic partnerships with teams possessing the necessary technical expertise is not just beneficial but essential. Companies that establish long-term relationships with skilled technical support providers gain a competitive edge by having ready access to the talent they need. These partnerships offer stability, reliability and a shared understanding of project intricacies, ultimately resulting in improved project value and success.